Weekly Updates

December 18-24: Holiday Yoga Traditions

🕯️ The holiday season is rich with traditions, and this week, we explore “Holiday Yoga Traditions.” Discover the ways in which yoga can complement your festive customs and rituals. From yoga sequences that align with holiday themes to practices that enhance your celebration of the season, let’s come together and honor the traditions that warm our hearts. 🎄❤️

Ideas for this week:

🧘‍♀️ Yoga by Candlelight: Are you going to be home practicing at any point this week? Perhaps you could create a special space for yourself with candles or Christmas lights. Seriously, experience the magic of yoga by candlelight, creating a serene and festive ambiance.

🎅 Yuletide Asanas: Explore yoga poses that embody the spirit of the season. If you’ve got family who is interested in your yoga practice, share with them something like tree pose — so festive. Regardless of your tradition, you can really sell folks on a heart-opening stretch!

🌟 New Year Intentions: Reflect on the year’s end and set intentions for the new year through a mindful yoga practice.

🍪 Mindful Indulgence: Don’t beat yourself up over cookies. Maybe let your yoga practice allow you to savor holiday treats mindfully, bringing mindfulness to your holiday feasting. And, if that’s not in the cards, maybe allow your practice to be gracious to those who might foist an unwanted cookie upon you.

My hope is that something in here our newsletters will provide you with inspiration, light up your yoga practice, and helps you celebrate the holiday season with mindfulness, joy, and a deep connection to your cherished traditions.

Breathe. Stretch. Thrive. 🎁🌲

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